
Lychee SAML Authentication

❏ What is Lychee SAML Authentication?

Lychee SAML Authentication is a plugin which allows Redmine and an IdP (Identity Provider) to communicate with SAML authentication information, thereby enabling single-sign-on.
Compatible IdPs are OneLogin and ADSF (Active Directory Federation Services).

❏ OneLogin

1. IdP (Identity Provider) Settings

  1. Display the Configuration screen of the application registered for use with Redmine
    In the Administration > Applications menu, go to [Applications] > Application registered for Redmine > Configuration.
  2. Input the following and click [Save]FieldValueAudiencePart of the URL ending in “metadata” found under [Issuer URL] on the SSO screen
    For the URL “https://app. onelogin.com/saml/metadata/abcdefg-hijklmn”, enter:
     https://app. onelogin.com/saml/metadataRecipientURL displayed under “Recipient” on the SAML Authentication screen.
    It has the following format:
     Redmine’s URL/auth/one_login/callbackACS (Consumer) URL ValidatorRegular expression for “ACS URL Validator” displayed on SAML Authentication screen.ACS (Consumer) URL”ACS URL” displayed on SAML Authentication screen.
image alt text

2. Plugin Settings

  1. Display the SAML Authentication screen
    Administration > SAML authentication
  2. Click the [SAML Authentication] link
    The SAML Authentication screen will be displayed
  3. Click [+SAML Authentication] in the top right of the screen
    New authentication form
  4. Enter the following and click the [Create] buttonFieldValueTypeOne LoginNameAny nameDomainRedmine’s URLApp IDPart of the URL path after “metadata/” found under [Issuer URL] on the SSO
    screen(*1). For the URL “https://app. onelogin.com/saml/metadata/abcdefg-hijklmn”,
    enter: “abcdefg-hijklmn”SSP slo IDPart of the URL path after “slo/” found under [SLO Endpoint(HTTP)] on the SSO
    screen(*1). For the URL “https://example.onelogin.com/trust/saml2/http-redirect/
    slo/1234567890″, enter: “1234567890”IDP Cert AlgorithmThe same algorithm found under [SAML Signature Algorithm] on the SSO screen(*1)IDP Cert FingerprintThe value found under [Fingerprint] on the Certificates screen(*2)1 In the Administration > Applications menu, go to [Applications] > Application registered for Redmine > SSO 2 In the Administration > Applications menu, go to [Applications] > Application registered for Redmine > SSO > [X.509 Certificate], and click the [View Details] linkimage alt text
  5. Setup information will appear in OneLogin’s Configuration
    The following information will appear on the SAML Authentication screen:
    • Recipient
    • ACS URL Validator
    • ACS URLimage alt text

❏ ADFS(Active Directory Federation Services)

1. IdP (Identity Provider) Settings

  1. Display the application registered for use with Redmine Home > Azure Active Directory > Application Registration > Application registered for Redmine
  2. Display [Brand], enter the following in [Homepage URL], and click [Save]
    Enter the URL using the following format: Redmine's URL/auth/adfs image alt text
  3. Display [Authentication], enter the following in [Web > Redirect URI], and click [Save]FieldValueWeb > Redirect URIURI with the following format:
    Redmine’s URL/auth/adfs/callbackWeb > Logout URLURL with the following format:
    Redmine’s URL/logoutimage alt text
  4. Display [Certificates and Secrets] and upload the certificate

2. Plugin Settings

  1. Display the SAML Authentication screen
    Administration > SAML authentication
  2. Click the [SAML Authentication] link
    The SAML Authentication screen will be displayed
  3. Click [+SAML Authentication] in the top right of the screen
    New authentication form
  4. Enter the following and click the [Create] buttonFieldValueTypeADFSNameAny nameDomainRedmine’s URLApp ID[Application (Client) ID] on the Overview screen(*1) of the application registered for RedmineSSP slo ID[Directory (Tenant) ID] on the Overview screen(*1) of the application registered for RedmineIDP Cert AlgorithmAlgorithm used when creating the FingerprintIDP Cert FingerprintFingerprint for token-signing certificate*1 Azure Home > Application Registration > Application for Redmine > Overviewimage alt text

3. Requesting a Fingerprint for a Token-signing Certificate

  1. Check the Federation Metadata endpoint
    Application Registration > Endpoint > Federation Metadata Endpointend point
  2. Access the endpoint
    Metadata XML will be displayed.
  3. Copy the entire metadata and paste it in a text editor
    Copying only theX509Certificate value can sometimes fails, so copy the entire screen and paste it in a text editor.
  4. Create a CRT file
    Create a CRT file using the X509Certificate value subordinate to the KeyDescriptor element which has signing as its use property.
    The CRT file’s structure is as follows:
    • Line 1: —–BEGIN CERTIFICATE—–
    • Line 2: X509Certificate ‘s value
    • Line 3: —–END CERTIFICATE—–meta data
  5. Request a Fingerprint from the CRT file created in (4)
    If you are using OpenSSL , request it using the following command: openssl x509 -[hash algorithm] -fingerprint -in [path of CRT file generated in (4)] -noout Example: If the hash algorithm is “sha512” and the path of the CRT file created in (4) is “path/to/x509.crt” openssl x509 -sha512 -fingerprint -in path/to/x509.crt -noout

